
Early Textual Scholarship on Acts: Observations from the Euthalian Quotation Lists
Garrick V. Allen
Available on Enlighten

Titles in the New Testament Papyri
Garrick V. Allen
available on Enlighten

TiNT Project Transcription Guidelines
Garrick V. Allen and Kelsie G. Rodenbiker
available online here

The New Testament in Virtual Research Environments: Titles, Greek Manuscripts, Data Querying
Garrick V. Allen, Owen Conlan, Clare Conran, Christophe Debruyne, Troy Griffitts, Nishtha Jain, Matthew Nicholson, Declan O’Sullivan, Kelsie G. Rodenbiker, Anthony P. Royle, and Ulrich Schmid
available online in Open Access

The Claromontanus Stichometry and its Canonical Implications
Kelsie G. Rodenbiker
available on Enlighten

The Possibilities of a Gospel Codex: GA 2064 (Dublin, CBL W 139), Digital Editing, and Reading in a Manuscript Culture
Garrick V. Allen
available on Enlighten

Paratexts seeking Understanding: Manuscripts and Aesthetic Cognitivism.
Garrick V. Allen and Anthony P. Royle
available on Enlighten

Titles of the New Testament (TiNT): A New Approach to Manuscripts and the History of Interpretation.
Garrick V. Allen and Kelsie G. Rodenbiker
available on Enlighten

Edited Volumes

Titles, Paratexts, and Manuscript Communication: Jewish and Christian Literature in Material Context
Garrick V. Allen and Kelsie G. Rodenbiker
available in open access here

The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri at Ninety: Literature, Papyrology, Ethics
Garrick V. Allen, Usama Gad, Kelsie G. Rodenbiker, Anthony P. Royle, and Jill Unkel

Conference Presentations

The Re-use of Scriptural Figures in (Non)Canonical Early Christian Literature
Kelsie G. Rodenbiker

The Catholic Epistles as a (Para)Canonical Compilation
Kelsie Rodenbiker

Cain, Balaam, and Korah and the Porous New Testament Canon
Kelsie G. Rodenbiker

Materiality and Pseudonymity: Manuscript Titles of the New Testament and Apostolic Authority
Kelsie G. Rodenbiker

What’s Important about New Testament Manuscripts?
Garrick V. Allen

The TiNT Project after One Year
Garrick V. Allen

Marking Scriptural Figures as Sacred Names
Kelsie G. Rodenbiker

Quotation Lists in Acts
Garrick V. Allen

Gospels’ Subscriptions in Greek Manuscripts: Tracing the Route of Paratexts
Martina Vercesi

The Reception of the Authorship of the Pastoral Epistles
Lily Su

A New Approach to the Problem of the Pastorals
Lily Su

Framing Mark: Reading the Gospel of Mark in a Catena Manuscript
Anthony P. Royle and Garrick V. Allen

Alla ricerca della tradizione paratestuale dei Vangeli. Un’indagine critica della tradizione manoscritta greca
Martina Vercesi

Scapegoating the Scribe: On the Rhetoric of Error in Studies of Ancient Greek Manuscripts of the New Testament
Kelsie G. Rodenbiker

The Catholic Epistles as a (Para)Canonical Compilation
Kelsie G. Rodenbiker

The Re-use of Jewish Scriptural Figures in Christian (Non)Canonical Texts
Kelsie G. Rodenbiker

Exemplarity and Petrine Attribution in 1 and 2 Peter
Kelsie G. Rodenbiker

Titles of the New Testament: A New Research Project and its Goals (paper)
Garrick V. Allen and Kelsie G. Rodenbiker